of my Research
to Japanese Women

Who answered to Kaori's questions?
Which part of Japan
are you from ?

1位、 関東 Kanto
2位、 海外 Abroad
3位、 関西 Kansai
4位、 九州 Kyushu
中国 Chugoku
東海 Tokai
東北 Tohoku
北陸 Hokuriku
北海道 Hokkaido


1位、 20-29歳
2位、 30-39歳
3位、 10-19歳
4位、 40-49歳

Blood type

1位、 A型
2位、 B型
3位、 O型
4位、 AB型

Where is your Darling from?

1位、 European(Caucasian)
2位、 American(Caucasian)
3位、 Australian
4位、 Japanese-Western
5位、 NewZealander
6位、 Black(American, African)
other another asian
Please talk fondly about your Darling.
I gave them some choices, they did choose all which conform to their Darling.

1位、 very kind
2位、 having great sense of humore
3位、 very smart
4位、 he may be rich
5位、 tall
6位、 very romantist
7位、 night life is wonderful
8位 very gentleman
9位、 athlete
10位、 too much handsome
11位、 he speak Japanese fluently
what kind of problem do you have between you and western Darling?
I gave them some choices, they did choose all which conform to their Darling.
1位、 language problem
2位、 different life customs
3位、 different favorite food
4位、 different value of life
5位、 about future (where to live, dream)
other size
about other woman
How your Darling treat you?
I gave them some choices, they did choose all which conform to their Darling.

1位、 (とっても大切にしてくれる)
2位、 (とても愛してくれる)
3位、 (友達のように仲良し)
4位、 (尊敬してくれてると思うわ)
5位、 (大満足なんじゃない?)
6位、 (ちょっと不満な扱いよ)
7位、 (あきらめてるかも)
How about ... on bed? How is your Darling?
I gave them some choices, they did choose all which conform to their Darling.
(夜の行い。。Darling って。。)
1位、 enjoying ! happy ! (楽しい)
2位、 romantic ! (ロマンティック)
3位、 too good (たまんない!)
4位、 great !(最高!)
5位、 wonderful !(素晴らしい)
6位、 wild ! (ワイルド!)
7位、 gentle (紳士的)
8位、 never bored(飽きない)
9位、 a little bit abnormality(少々変態)
10位、 like one scene of the movie(映画のワンシーンのよう)

other same with Japanese men (日本人と同じじゃない?) (2)
not so good (イマイチ) (1)
his timing of puttin condom is bad(コンドームをつけるタイミングが悪い) (1)
size's problem(サイズが合わない) (1)
About night life with western man?
I gave them some choices, they did choose all which conform to their Darling.
1位、 I want to make love when i get old (40-60yo)(おばさんになってもしようね! )
2位、 I can make love with you every day! (毎日でもOKだよ! )
2位、 I want to make love when i get old (over 70 yo) (お婆ちゃんになってもしようね! )
4位、 I am taking care of uner hair.Its perfect! (アンダーの処理は完璧よ! )
5位、 I dont want to take pill !! (ピルは飲みたくないんだってば! )
6位、 make love at anywhere and anytime ok!! (どこでもいつでもOKよ〜 )
7位、 pain !!! (痛いよぉ〜 )
8位、 please use condom!! (ちゃんとゴムつけてよ〜 )
9位、 must take shower before making love (事前シャワーはMUSTだわ! )
10位、 I cant walk on naked (裸で家の中は歩けないわ〜 )
I cant make love everyday (毎日は出来ないってば! )
I dont like using condom (ゴムは使いたくない! )
other please dont request to me often (あまりリクエストしないでぇ〜 )
it may be possible having sex without love (愛がなくても出来るかも・・ )
what do you think western men's most sexiest point?
I gave them some choices, they did choose all which conform to their Darling.
1位、 smiling face
2位、 face
3位、 smell of perfume
4位、 hand
5位、 chest hair
6位、 strong chest
7位、 athletic body
8位、 hair
other smell of body

Who pay when you date with western BF? And what do you think about paying?
(I gave them some choices, they did choose all which conform to their Darling.)
1位、 want him to pay (男性に支払いをしてもらいたい )
2位、 he pay and sometimes I pay (彼が支払ったり私が支払ったり )
3位、 go Dutch (割り勘かな〜 )
4位、 He pay for meal (lunch and dinner), I pay for drink (食事は彼で、お茶は私もち )
5位、 dont care who pay (どっちが払ってもいいんじゃない? )
other I might pay most of time
we broke up because of this money problem
How did you meet your Darling?
What made you two decide to be GF/BF?
What do you think that where you live with him in the future?
How about prevent pregnancy?
What is the most important things to grow your relationship go well?
Are there anything you have in your mind?
inserted by FC2 system